Thursday, December 14, 2006

Four Eyes

So I wore my glasses to work yesterday....this isn't something I do often, but my contacts have been bothering me so I decided to give my eyes the day off. Well, CrazyBoss commented three (count 'em three) times. The first two times it was a simple "I like your glasses" but the third time it was "I REALLY like your glasses, I do, I think they look really good" as if the first two times hadn't clued me into this fact.

I wonder about CrazyBoss sometimes. He wouldn't speak to me for about six months after I told him I was looking for another job (which I totally understand) but then, all of a sudden, it was like we were bestest friends (BFF, you know it). He felt the need to speak to me every. single. time. we would pass in the hallway (this is why, when you quit a job, you need to find another one far, far away--not just down the hall). He compliments me on everything now--my hair, my clothes, my glasses. Don't get me wrong, this is better than being mean and hateful to me, but I do sometimes wonder how much of this is just an act he puts on and how much is due to the fact that he's smoked sooooo much pot over the years that he can't remember what he ate for lunch today, much less what happened between me and him over a year ago (he is the posterboy for pot's effects on memory.) Don't do drugs kids, or this is what you'll turn into:

Also, still no Scopeman, although Jenny did spot him on Tuesday heading toward my building, so I know he has been on campus.

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