Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Worst Family Feud Answers Ever

This was posted by a friend of mine on Facebook and I laughed so hard that I'm pretty sure everyone at work now thinks I've lost my mind. Still....I wanted to share with you all.

Question: Name a former President that most people would say is honest. #1 Answer: Lincoln Worst Answer: Nixon

Question: Besides San Francisco, name a city that begins with the word San. #1 Answer: San Diego Worst Answer: Seattle

Question: Name a slang term used for important people. #1 Answer: V.I.P. Worst Answer: Buddy

Question: Name something pack rats have a hard time throwing out. #1 Answer: Photos Worst Answer: Corn

Question: Name something that might annoy a gardener. #1 Answer: Bugs Worst Answer: Not getting paid on time

Question: Name a reason a man might send his wife flowers. #1 Answer: Anniversary Worst Answer: Happy divorce

Question: Name a term used in football. #1 Answer: Touchdown Worst Answer: Fast break

Question: Name a special request people ask for when making a dinner reservation. #1 Answer: Non-smoking Worst Answer: A menu

Question: Name someone you wouldn't want to get a phone call from. #1 Answer: The police Worst Answer: Your son

Question: Name a classical music composer everyone knows. #1 Answer: Mozart Worst Answer: Julio Inglesias

Question: Tell me something specific you should drink a lot of when you're sick. #1 Answer: Water Worst Answer: Alcohol

Question: Name something you'd hate to find at the end of your nose. #1 Answer: Pimple Worst Answer: Lint

Question: Name the worst kind of shoe to run a marathon in. #1 Answer: High heels Worst Answer: Scuba flippers Louie Anderson's Response: If it's up there... I'll be surprised.

Question: Name something a person wouldn't want living in their house. #1 Answer: Relatives Worst Answer: Mold

Question: Name a musician who goes by one name. #1 Answer: Madonna Worst Answer: Reba McIntyre Louie Anderson's Response: Show me the strike.

Question: Name something you'd buy for more than a thousand dollars. #1 Answer: House Worst Answer: Pleasure equipment Louie Anderson's Response: I'm afraid to ask what that means.

Question: Name something you think would be difficult about being a waiter. #1 Answer: Taking orders Worst Answer: Falling down

Question: Name something a woman would find in her boyfriend's apartment that would make her think he was cheating. #1 Answer: Bra Worst Answer: Used condom

Question: Name something a teenage boy can do for hours at a time. #1 Answer: Video games Worst Answer: Masturbate Louie Anderson's Response: I knew somebody would say it.

Question: Name a unit of currency used in a country other than the US. #1 Answer: Peso Worst Answer: Ampere

Question: Name a reason why a woman might not want to kiss her boyfriend. #1 Answer: Bad breath Worst Answer: She doesn't love him that much

Question: Name something you do in front of your husband that you probably never did when you were dating. #1 Answer: Undress Worst Answer: Make out Louie Anderson's Response: With somebody else?

Question: Name a complaint you might have about the pizza that was just delivered. #1 Answer: It's cold Worst Answer: It went to the wrong address Louie Anderson's Response: And you just happened to be there.

Question: Name an animal many people are scared of. #1 Answer: Snake Worst Answer: Boar Louie Anderson's Response: It's terrifying.

Question: Name something you need to play Scrabble. #1 Answer: Letters Worst Answer: Dice Louie Anderson's Response: Where did you learn to play Scrabble?

Question: Name the age when a man might start to lose a lot of hair. #1 Answer: 30 Worst Answer: 14

Question: Name the best month to schedule a wedding. #1 Answer: June Worst Answer: Summer

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