Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Cold, Cold, go Away....

So it has finally warmed up here.....today the high is supposed to be around 50. 50!!! Can you believe it. last night's low was about 10 degrees warmer than the highs from last week and 50 feels like T-shirt weather. Maybe mother nature has finally decided to give us a break.

That's not the only kind of cold that was hanging around, though. I've managed to find some kind of super mega killer cold virus that won't let me go. It's got my head all stuffed up and no matter how much medicine I take, I just won't quit. I do feel somewhat better today, so I guess that's something. Still, it's putting a crimp in my plans to start exercising to get into shape for the 3K I want to run on St. Patrick's day (it's really hard to run when you can't breathe). Oh well....I'll survive.

The up-side of being sick is that I've gotten a lot of knitting done. (There's not a lot else to do when you are just laying on the couch.) The Harry Potter look alike (but not) scarf is almost done. After a slight mishap (in which I ran out of yarn and had to go buy more--of a different dye lot gasp!) I'm in the home stretch. The Magic Scarf is still languishing in the bottom of my knitting bag (although the matching hat now lives with my sister) and I have the yarn to start a couple more projects but I refuse to start anything new until I get at least on of my WIPS finished. Soon, hopefully soon.

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